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Tequila, bats, and agave farmers: towards an understanding of the right incentives to protect genetic diversity (2024) Environmental Research. Communication, 6, 011002 (with I. Zapata-Moran, and A. Lopez-Feldman)


Trust and trustworthiness after negative random shocks. Journal of Economic Psychology (2021) Volume 86, (with J. Gillet and I. Rodriguez-Lara)


The economic impact of COVID-19 on small and medium-sized businesses under voluntary and mandatory restrictions (2021), EconoQuatum, 2, July-December, pp. 23-56 (with P. Hancevic and H. Nunez)


Economic Stability Promotes Gift-Exchange in the Workplace. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, (2021), 187, 2021, 374-398 (with B. Corgnet and J. Gómez-Miñambres)


COVID-19: impactos en el medio ambiente y en el cumplimiento de los ODS en América Latina (2020). Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad, no. 86: 104-132 (with A. López-Feldman, C. Chávez, M.A Vélez, M. A.B. Chimeli, A. B., J. Féres, J. Robalino  and C. Viteri)


Environmental impacts and policy responses to Covid-19: A view from Latin America (2020).

Environmental and Resource Economics, 1-6 (with A. López-Feldman, C. Chávez, M.A Vélez, M. A.B. Chimeli, A. B., J. Féres, J. Robalino and C. Viteri )


Do negative random shocks affect trust and trustworthiness? Southern Economic Journal, 2, 2018, 563-579 (with J. Guillet and I. Rodriguez-Lara)

Payment Scheme Self-Selection in the Credence Goods Market: An Experimental Study Journal of Economic

Behavior & Organization, 142, 2017, 396-403 (with E. Green and S. Rassenti)


Informed entry in Auctions, International Journal of Game Theory, 47 (1), 2018, 47, 175-205 (with D. Aycinena and L. Rentschler)


Angels and Demons: How Individual Characteristics, Behavioral Types and Choices Influence Behavior in a Real-Effort Moral Dilemma Experiment. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 2016. (with E. Green and S. Rassenti)


Dynamic Optimization and Conformity in Health Behavior and Life Enjoyment over the Life Cycle, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9, 2015 (con H. Kaplan and S. Rassenti)


Experimental Economics and Water Resources, in A. Dinar y K. Schawbe (Eds.) The Handbook of Water Economics, Northampton: Edward Elgar (with J. Shortle).


Trust and Trustworthiness in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters, Journal of Development Studies, 50(11), 1482-1493, 2014 (with D. Fleming and A. Chong).


Resource Adequacy: Should Regulators Worry? Review of Network Economics 11(4): 1-35, 2012 (with L. Cliffner, C. Johnston, S. Rassenti, and V. Smith).





Opportunistic behavior and price discrimination in the Mexican Solar P.V. market: An audit experiment (with H. Sandoval and P. Hancevic) submitted


Investigating the Structure of the New Ecological Paradigm Scale: The Mexican Case (with. P. Hancevic and Y. Peralta)


Same flood, different story: heterogeneous effects of natural disasters among at-risk people (with L.E. Miranda. S, Roman, L. Heller and R. Lopez)


When the rich do (not) trust the (newly) rich: Experimental evidence on the effects of positive random shocks in the trust game (with J. Gillet and I. Rodriguez-Lara) R&R requested


Design of agri-environmental policy under moral hazard: an online experiment (with T. Morello, P. Torres, C. Heck, and J. Milani) submitted


Seemingly irrelevant factors and willingness to block polluting investments (with. N. Ajzenman, L. Balza, C. De Los Rios, and N. Gomez-Parra) submitted.


Health Investment in the Lab: Testing a Behavioral Implementation of the Grossman Model (with H. Kaplan and S. Rassenti)


Haggling for a Smoke: A Natural Field Experiment on Price Discrimination in Mexico City's Informal Cigarette Markets (with R. Cordova, L. Ellyne)


Behavioral Insights in Infrastructure Sectors. A Survey (with G. Joseph, S. Ayling, F. Miquel-Florensa, and A. Acevedo)


Pandemic and SMEs in an emerging country (with P. Hancevic and H. Nuñez)


Do Cab Drivers Charge for Congestion? A Field Experiment in Lima, Perú.  submitted


Strategic Risk Aversion, Participation, and Efficiency in Environmental Markets (with J. Shortle).


Rain Water Harvesting, Maintenance, and Acceptance (with A. Lopez Aguilar, P. Oliva, and J. Pinillos)

Investing Decisions in Markets Theory and Experiments (with  D. Aycinena, K. James, and S. Rassenti. K.  )

Floods, Preferences, and Behavior (with L. Heller, R. Lopez,  L.E. Miranda, J. Murgia, and  S.Roman) 

Mitigation Policy Announcements and Investments in Clean Technology (with S. Miller)

Exploring the role of trust, information, and institutional reputation on the consumption of water in Mexico City (with  D. Heres, P. Martinsson, and F. Alpizar)

Tax interventions use a local experimental approach ( with L. Ellyne, M. Cardona,  and S. Neri) 

The Mitigation Game: Framing Collective Action to Prevent Epidemics among the Colombian Wayúu (with S. Cortés and C. Gonzalez-Uribe)

Promoting Cooperation without Punishment in Repeated Prisoners’ Dilemma (with G. Camera)

Exploitation in Real Effort Gift-Exchange Economy (with B. Corgnet and J. Gomez-Miñambres)

Shocks and Social Preferences in Strategic Environments (with I. Rodriguez Lara and J. Gillet)


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